Diaconate Ministry

Introduction of Ministry

Deacon is an ecclesiastic role charged with temporal affairs of the church. Deacons were first commissioned in the book of Acts chapter 6:1-6. The Apostles were being weighed down with duties of taking care of widows, orphans and the sick. God had called them to share the gospel of Jesus not wait on tables. So they picked 7 men of good standing, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. This way the Apostles could go back to spending time in prayer, worship, and evangelism.

However, Paul throws the church a curve in Romans 16:1-2 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a deacon in the church in Cenchrea. 2 Welcome her in the Lord as one who is worthy of honor among God’s people. Help her in whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many, and especially to me. (NLT)

Deacon – positional office

  •  A deacon (diakoneo) is a servant attendant who waits upon and does the work that must be done for his Lord and the Lord’s people.
  • A deacon (diakonia) offers service at a table to show hospitality and to minister divine things to the people of God.

1 Timothy 3:8-9, 13 – In the same way, deacons must be well respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers or dishonest with money. They must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. Those who do well as deacons will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus. (NLT)

Mission Statement

As extended arms of the Pastor, we minister to the congregation as his representatives in matters that will further the growth of the individual member and the corporate body. It is our responsibility to attend to the needs of the members of the church, as related to the spiritual and the temporal needs that may arise. As Deacons, we are passionate to develop a more Christ-like congregation and are committed to the standard of ministry proclaimed by the written and preached Word of God.


In 1922 a local land developer donated two lots of the Highland Park community for the purpose of building a church. Reverend Mitchell assisted in the establishment of the church by three deacons: Brother Plater, Thomas Curry, and Edward Grant. In 1950, Deacon James Davis and Mrs. Wiley Lucas came upon property on Sheriff Road while on their way to Upper Marlboro, Maryland to conduct church business. In 1958, Chairman of the Deacon Board, Dennis Colmes purchased the first bus and initiated the printing of the Church Bulletin. We salute the Deacons who paved the way for us, Harvey Broadie, Lonnie Kemp Jr., Robert Vinson, Earl Gray, Carl Felton Sr., and Ollie Williams.

Services and Activities

To aid Pastor Davis in promoting and helping all members become good disciples and grow once they have joined the church through our Discipleship Classes, Crown Ministry Classes, Bible Study, working with the missionaries and evangelism ministries, Biblical Institute Classes, New members Gathering, and adult and youth pre-baptismal Classes. Also, our goal is to help the youth grow through our JAM/AWANA ministry. We are responsible for the Caring & Sharing of our congregation and setting up and serving communion and preparing candidates for baptism. Finally, our goal is to better serve our Lord and Savior, the congregation, and the community, along with Pastor Davis.

Scripture Reference:

Timothy 3:8-9, 13 – In the same way, deacons must be well respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers or dishonest with money. They must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. Those who do well as deacons will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus. (NLT)

Diaconate Leaders

  • Chairman: Deacon Larry M. McCormick
  • 1st Vice Chair: Deacon Cheryl Crawford
  • 2nd Vice Chair: Deacon Kenneth Smith
  • Recording Secretary: Deacon Caron Craig
  • Treasurer: Deacon Tawana Schooler
  • Assistant Treasurer: Deacon Alvin Lowe Sr.
  • Chaplain: Deacon Mae Davis
  • Parliamentarian: Deacon Anita Walls
  • Sergeant-at-Arms: Deacon Malcolm Johnson
  • Baptismal Coordinator: Deacon Cheryl Brooks
  • Training Facilitator: Deacon Edwards Harrison
  • Bereavement Coordinator: Deacon Joyce Chandler

Caring and Sharing Monthly Report

To Access the Caring and Sharing Monthly Report, Click Here

Ministry Contacts

For information or concerns, please contact Larry M. McCormick
E-mail: deacons@fbhp.org