Mission Statement
The purpose of this unique ministry is to minister the gospel through various forms of visual interpretation including sign language, step, and mime. As led by the sovereign spirit of our Lord and Savior, Praise Power PRAISES with anointed POWER for an audience of one, the Lord Jesus Christ. God releases his POWER to the harvest who witnesses his glory when we offer PRAISE to our Master and King.
- Angel Power – Ages 5–8
- Mighty Power – Ages 9-12
- Dance Power – Ages 13-18
- Anointed Power – Ages 18–up
- Deliverance Power – Ages 18–up
- Silent Power – Mime ministry
- Strong Power – Males all ages
- United Power – Married Couples
Scripture Reference:
Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) – 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Services and Activities
The ministry supports the Music and Worship Arts Ministry of FBHP offering monthly ministering during worship services and ministry productions. Praise Power ministers weekly during worship services and at external venues such as weddings, local community and outreach events, other churches, and area nursing homes.
Ministry Contacts
For more information about Praise Dance Ministry, contact the Church Administrative Office at (301) 773-6655 or send an email to praisepower@fbhp.org