“Level UP” – The Trustee Ministry continues to upkeep and care for our Church Campus. The Trustee Ministry is comprised of fifty-one (51) God fearing men and women who are active members of First Baptist Church of Highland Park (FBCHP).
Mission Statement
To ensure the smooth and effective functioning of the Church, as provided for in the Church’s By-Laws (Church Officers), under the title of “Trustees”, the Missions of the Board of Trustees are: : (1) to supervise the raising of all monies in the Church, and have supervision over the expenditures of the same, which the preparation of the Annual Budget shall provide for; (2) unless other officers are authorized by direct vote of the Church to do so, to approve all contracts for supplies, materials or services and to pledge the credit of the Church; (3) jointly with the Finance Committee, authorize all expenditures upon the authority of the Church, except that the Church may give general authorization to the Trustees for normal supplies and also for general items; (4) to hold in trust the property of the Church, including the actual care of the place of worship, but shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer and property without a specific vote of the Church authorizing such action; and (5) to select a chairman annually whose name will be submitted to the membership of the Church for confirmation.
- To supervise the raising of all monies in the Church, and have supervision over the expenditures of the same, which the preparation of the Annual Budget shall provide for;
- Unless other officers are authorized by direct vote of the Church to do so, to approve all contracts for supplies, materials or services and to pledge the credit of the Church;
- Jointly with the Finance Committee, authorize all expenditures upon the authority of the Church, except that the Church may give general authorization to the Trustees for normal supplies and also for general items;
- To hold in trust the property of the Church, including the actual care of the place of worship, but shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer and property without a specific vote of the Church authorizing such action; and
- To select a chairman annually whose name will be submitted to the membership of the Church for confirmation.
The Trustee Ministry is comprised of over 53 dedicated, God-fearing men and women who have made a lifelong commitment to serve as caretakers of the church’s finances and facilities. This is one of the few ministries where members are elected by the Church body.
The current members of the Trustee Ministry are committed to using their talents and expertise to the glory of God while serving in their role as Trustees at First Baptist Church of Highland Park (FBCHP). They have a mandate to care for the financial and administrative affairs of the Church, maintenance, and upkeep of the facilities, investments, and oversight of the Prince George’s Christian Academy (PGCA). Their knowledge and experience come from many different fields including Banking and Finance, Accounting, Management, Administration, Personnel, Communication, Public Affairs, Computer Technology, and Contract Administration.
“As Trustees, we continue to thank God for guiding us and for allowing us to serve Him and the people of First Baptist Church of Highland Park.
To God Be the Glory!
Services and Activities
The Trustee Ministry participates with the Metropolitan Area Trustees Association (MATA) to share and gather information about how to properly and efficiently attend to the Church’s business. The Trustee Ministry in many cases facilitates various training to members and others as it relates to managing the Church Business and Campus.
Trustee Leaders
- Randolph Williams, Jr. — Chairman
- Linda Arrington — 1st Vice Chair
- David Gatlin — 2nd Vice Chair
- TaVonna Serious — Secretary
- Lavolya Williams — Treasurer
- Theresa M. T. Melton — Chaplain
Scripture Reference:
1 Corinthians 4:1-2 (NLT) – So look at Apollos and me as mere servants of Christ who have been put in charge of explaining God’s mysteries. 2 Now, a person who is put in charge as a manager must be faithful.
Ministry Contacts
For more information about Trustee Ministry, contact Trustee Randolph Williams, Jr. via the Church Administrative Office at (301) 773-6655